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Typically the models for ocean waves are computationally explored to replicate natural phenomena.
Instead of aiming towards realism, this work explores aesthetic derivations of a simple state-of-the-art model for ocean waves simulation.
Each wave is closed in a circular line, so the waves don't develop horizontally.


by Nothing + minimalartifact
was supposed to be released at BeachParty 2009 (didn't work out)
Kazuya - jellyfish anim
NNY - track (part of -0º album)
ps - remixed track / code
V* - code

Drawing Water

Drawing Water is a constructed landscape shaped by the relationship between where water falls and where it is consumed within the United States. It builds images to expose the reality that water is channeled, pumped, and siphoned to locations far from where it falls. Although the paths are imagined, Drawing Water is based on real data and it reveals a clear truth about water resources and use.

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