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Project Description: 

TEVERETERNO is an international non-profit initiative dedicated to revitalizing Rome’s urban waterfront through the establishment and ongoing stewardship of Piazza Tevere, the first public space for contemporary art in Rome.

Based in Rome with an active presence in New York, TEVERETERNO produces cultural programming, dynamic planning and community outreach events situated in and focused on the currently neglected Tiber River. Encouraging sustainable development, ongoing maintenance, and the river’s ecological health, TEVERETERNO works to restore the historical bond between Tiber and city.

TEVERETERNO was founded in 2004 with a vision for the Tiber River as an integrated, expansive corridor of public space running the entire length of the City of Rome. The project began in 2005 with the first artistic projects for Piazza Tevere and has continued with regular onsite cultural programming (2005-present) to draw tens of thousands of people to the river, bringing the Tiber to life through vibrant contemporary art, which celebrates the site and its context.

Broadening our scope under the advice and consultation of city planners, architects, and urban place-makers, TEVERETERNO is now working to develop a global competition for the responsible and dynamic renewal of Rome’s river, focusing on landscape and infrastructure initiatives that will enhance and facilitate the public’s experience of the urban waterfront.

TEVERETERNO brings together creative professionals from the diverse fields of arts, architecture, urban planning and cultural economics to pursue its goal of re-imagining Rome’s relationship to the Tiber, restoring the historical bond between river and city while forging a new Italian link in the international network of like-minded urban planning initiatives.

Open to the public
Moon Expression: 
Water Body: 

Kristin Jones, David Monacchi, Lisa Lowenstein, Diane Roehm, Pino Fortunato, Carlo Ducci, Linda Foster, Rosario Pavia, Luca Zevi, Carlo Gasparinni, Valeria Sassanelli, WIlliam Barsanti, Nicola Tasco

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