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Naiana Blue

Real name: 

PhD in Fine Arts by the Facultad de Bellas Artes de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid UCM, SP; Master in Research in Art and Creation by the Facultad de Bellas Artes of the Universidad Complutense de Madrid UCM, SP (2014); Bachelor in Social Communication by the Universidade de Fortaleza UNIFOR, BR (2006); Universitary Exchange in the Facultad de Bellas Artes de la Universidad de Salamanca USAL, SP (2004). From 2012, she is a researcher on art criticism in the program of Research in Visual Arts of the Centro de Artes Visuais in Fortaleza, part of The Ministry of Culture of Fortaleza - Secultfor, BR. She is a member of the collective CurtoCircuito, group of artists that develop micro political actions in situ (situ- actions) in the daily life, and also a member of the collective PARE ( Ritualistic Experimental Artistic Provocation). Her artistic work is based in exploring art and life from a perspective of art as experience. Her works include the art visual languages, performance, urban intervention, sound landscape, music, graphic arts, photography, video and installation. Nowadays, she is developing the project Água Viva, which consists in a group of creations, actions and reflections around the element of water.

