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Ruth Macdougall

Real name: 

I am an environmental artist and boat builder from Scotland. Since graduating with first class honors from the Glasgow School of Art in 2004, I have researched, designed and led a diverse range of site-specific, community based projects under the auspices of several UK and International organisations. Through the course of my commissions and residencies, I have helped nurture a number of unusual cross sector partnerships, the legacies of which continue to benefit several communities, particularly in the Highlands of Scotland. In September 2012, I completed an interdisciplinary MA in Cultural Heritage and International Development at the University of East Anglia (UEA). Through my studies, I came to focus on water culture as a further strand of complexity to the research undertaken by the UEA’s Water Security Research Centre. Consequently, exploring the capacity of the visual arts to communicate the urgent messages surrounding Water Security is now my central motivation.

