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Virtual Water Body


Typically the models for ocean waves are computationally explored to replicate natural phenomena.
Instead of aiming towards realism, this work explores aesthetic derivations of a simple state-of-the-art model for ocean waves simulation.
Each wave is closed in a circular line, so the waves don't develop horizontally.

NaCl Impressions

Water and salt: NaCl IMPRESSIONS NaCl Watercolors sodium chloride in water sodium ions ... positive and negative ions dissociate chloride. The electroneutrality is broken. The ions are released ... saturated sodium chloride solutions can give crystals surprising that the shape and size ... With this salt, using aqueous solutions of appropriate dyes, Rita Nunes bridge proposes an imagined how to create images, diffusional impressions imposed by sodium chloride, which take us to a new world (almost unreal).


by Nothing + minimalartifact
was supposed to be released at BeachParty 2009 (didn't work out)
Kazuya - jellyfish anim
NNY - track (part of -0º album)
ps - remixed track / code
V* - code

Water Weaving

Description: Nobuho Nagasawa's Water Weaving Light Cycle pulsates with shifting hues of blue light. The sound sculpture woven from optical fiber is suspended above a Seattle City Hall stairwell. During the day, the fiber tapestry has the appearance of a woven glass net; at night, blue light pulses through the fiber, simulating flowing water. An audio component mixes the sound of lapping waves, recorded at localcal beaches, with weather-related environmental sounds selected by a computer linked to real-time weather reports by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

Quinn: Inheritor of Knowledge

Cosmoscapes are alternative contemporary landscapes. These works are an internalization of our biosphere expressed through drawing, painting, digital imaging, and video. The goal is to construct a cosmology for the viewer. These works serve as consciousness portals for the viewer to access a parallel layer of reality. These are poetic unnameable places that reveal the conflict of consciousness in the space of the non-verbal. Recognizable moments emerge in these works and are encoded with an invented symbology.

Portable stream

Dicen que donde el hombre vive demasiado tiempo
se transforma en desierto.
El agua que da vida,
cuando hay demasiada vida vivida,
se transforma en algo muerto,
en algo yermo,
en los cuatro jinetes del Apocalipsis.
Dicen que la tierra donde nacieron mis padres
era un vergel,
una selva en la meseta.
Yo me acuerdo.
Dicen que había un río con peces,
con niños bañándose en verano
y lavanderas el resto del año.
sólo hay las lágrimas de los recuerdos
en un cauce estéril y reseco;

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